In Germany, people call the part of Bavaria where our factory is located the “tip of the lion’s tail”. The lion is the animal on the Bavarian coat of arms. Our Bavaro dogfood is strong like a lion. It was developed specifically for all working canines: hunting, herding, guard and guide dogs.

The people who live and work in our region are down to earth and reliable. Reliable quality is also something that sets our Bavaro dogfood apart. Our team’s experience, accumulated over several decades, is a clear advantage for our customers. “Made in Bavaria, Germany”: this also means for us that we work primarily with suppliers from our home region.

These things are important to us:
  • We use neither soy products nor sugar.
  • The use of genetically modified raw materials is out of the question.
  • Drying is the only preservation method we use for our dogfood.
  • Taste and colour come only from the raw materials, not from any artificial additives.